The Risk of Authenticity
Being authentic for some people appears to be easy and natural. Many of the people I know who are what I consider authentic are unselfish, kind and humble. Since I have tended to be a people pleaser...
View ArticleLiving from the Authentic Self: the Middle Path as a Way of Life
When we are born into this world as a little baby, we are very simple, ordinary and in a state of immense trust in the world. A baby inside the mother’s womb is never occupied with thoughts on how it...
View ArticleUnfolding Your Authentic Gifts
One of the basic human desires is to be of service. It may not be a top priority at all times, but this desire to improve life on Earth is a thread that runs through most people. Some people know at a...
View ArticleSpirit Leaves: The Genuine Article
In one respect, authenticity should come naturally. It ought to be easy to be ourselves. We would avoid having to prepare the face to meet the faces that [we] meet, the dilemma of Eliot’s anti-hero, J....
View ArticleMichele Rae to read, sign new book on April 9
The public is invited to attend an open house on Sunday, April 9, to celebrate the release of a groundbreaking book from transformational leader Michele Rae. She will present readings from Living from...
View ArticleLiving from Your Center Within: An Interview with Transformational Leader...
“We are living amidst a transformative period in human development, experiencing dramatic paradigm shifts and leaps in human consciousness itself. I invite you to participate consciously in creating...
View ArticleFrom the Heart: How to Get into the In Crowd
In high school I looked up to my classmate Rick Brown, the quintessential cool guy. He was the good-looking captain of the football team and president of the student council. He had a cheerleader...
View ArticleAuthenticity is Our Key
If someone were to ask you what life is, how do you think you would respond? For most people, it’s work, motivated by the pressure to earn a living. It’s keeping up with the rent or the mortgage,...
View ArticleLive Fully, Wholeheartedly and with Authenticity
2019, the year to integrate all that we are. The year where we have tried and tested so many ways of eating, living, thinking and being that we now can decide what we want to keep in our lives. It’s...
View ArticleBe Authentic
How to create a loving relationship with yourself, with others and with life To be authentic means to remain true to your own being. Be truthful to yourself. You are not needed to change others or try...
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